That Ayurveda Guy - Demystifying Ayurveda

Ep17 : Varicoceles - Curing them without Surgery

That Ayurveda Guy Season 1 Episode 17

It’s a male thing.  And that’s exactly why we guys don’t talk about it.  But that definitely doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have it treated.  Varicoceles is a health issue men suffer worldwide.  And though we don’t go about mentioning it to every person we meet, we do need to have it treated because it can have some serious consequences.  The unfortunate part is that allopathy suggests surgery for this particular ailment and that’s something we would all like to avoid.  Well that’s exactly what I’m talking about in this podcast.  Ayurveda has a slew of home remedies and tips that can help to manage and treat Varicoceles without having to go under the knife.  All of you have to do is listen!

Here’s what this episode will tell you:

  1. How you can know if you have Varicoceles.
  2. What are the causes of Varicoceles according to Ayurveda
  3. Foods you should stay away from to prevent aggravating the condition
  4. Lifestyle changes you can make to manage it better
  5. A list of home remedies that will help you relieve the symptoms
  6. Special herbs and Yoga asanas to treat and prevent Varicoceles

If you’re looking for natural ways to wellness and health, this is the way to start.

I’ll be happy to answer any questions on Ayurveda and how it can help.  Find me on Twitter

@Ayurvedaguy, on  Linkedin at or email me at to chat about it. I’ve also written about lots of Ayurvedic remedies and home solutions on quora, look me up on