That Ayurveda Guy - Demystifying Ayurveda

Kapha Dosha and advice for Earth - Water people

That Ayurveda Guy Season 1 Episode 14

Kapha Dosha is the third body energy that represents the complimenting elements of Earth and Water.  The tell tale signs of Kapha people make them stand out in the way they behave, look and respond to life situations.  However they are also affected uniquely by changing climates, diets and lifestyle habits.  Knowing how to manage your Kapha body type can be the difference between long term wellness and frequent ill health.  Listen on to find out what you can do to manage and maintain your health optimally.

Here’s what this episode will tell you:

  1. What Kapha people look like and how they can be identified by their behaviour.
  2. Which foods and climates are conducive to Kapha individuals.
  3. What ailments people with Kapha predominance tend to get.
  4. Diet and lifestyle tips for Kapha individuals.
  5. Useful remedies and health solutions for those with Kapha body type.

If you’re looking for natural ways to wellness and health, this is the way to start.

I’ll be happy to answer any questions on Ayurveda and how it can help.  Find me on Twitter

@Ayurvedaguy, on  Linkedin at or email me at to chat about it. I’ve also written about lots of Ayurvedic remedies and home solutions on quora, look me up on