That Ayurveda Guy - Demystifying Ayurveda

Ep 10: Brace yourselves for the holiday season - Tips for Hemanta Ritu or Pre-Winter

That Ayurveda Guy Season 1 Episode 10

The chilly breeze and warm fires paint a cozy picture, unless of course your health is not giving you company.  The incoming Winter is a time when the body core is actually getting stronger and this allows a lot more room to do and eat what you please, but that doesn’t mean you should give way to your whims.  The festive season can put your health at risk if you aren’t paying attention and this podcast gives you a lowdown on how to make sure you don’t fall prey to ill health.  It deals with tiny tweaks you need to make to your diet and lifestyle to ensure wellness throughout the Season.  Other than that, just let go and have fun!

Here’s what this episode will tell you:

  1. How your body reacts to the Pre-Winter Season.
  2. What you should and should not be eating during this time.
  3. What Ayurveda means by “warm” foods.
  4. Lifestyle hacks that will help you stay well throughout the chilly days.
  5. Daily health routines that will help you stay energetic and active.
  6. Home tips to keep your digestion functioning well.
  7. Some useful do-it-at-home procedures to help keep the body warm.

If you’re looking for natural ways to wellness and health, this is the way to start.

I’ll be happy to answer any questions on Ayurveda and how it can help.  Find me on Twitter

@Ayurvedaguy, on  Linkedin at or email me at to chat about it. I’ve also written about lots of Ayurvedic remedies and home solutions on quora, look me up on