That Ayurveda Guy - Demystifying Ayurveda

Ep 9: A beautiful season to be Healthy - Tips for Autumn

That Ayurveda Guy Season 1 Episode 9

That time of the year when nature is shedding and rejuvenating itself, is a time when human beings too have a lot going on inside their bodies.  It is a time of the year when the body is slowly reinforcing itself for the coming months and that’s exactly why we need to pay attention to what we’re eating and how we’re living.  Autumn or the Sharad season as it is called in Ayurveda is a time when the digestive system is bolstering itself and getting stronger.  Small changes in the diet and lifestyle can further support this strengthening of the body functions to help enjoy the beauty of the season without it being interrupted by annoying ailments.

Here’s what this episode will tell you:

  1. How the climate in Autumn affects the body and the digestive system.
  2. What kind of a diet regimen will help stay healthy in this season.
  3. Tiny lifestyle changes that help to boost immunity during this time.
  4. Diet and lifestyle tips to calm the Pitta and the Vata Dosha.
  5. Secret home remedies to boost digestion and get a good night’s sleep.
  6. How pearls can help you stay healthy.
  7. Easy, do-it-home detox
  8. Ayurveda procedures for Autumn

If you’re looking for natural ways to wellness and health, this is the way to start.

I’ll be happy to answer any questions on Ayurveda and how it can help.  Find me on Twitter

@Ayurvedaguy, on  Linkedin at or email me at to chat about it. I’ve also written about lots of Ayurvedic remedies and home solutions on quora, look me up on