That Ayurveda Guy - Demystifying Ayurveda

Ep 6: The time to dust your cobwebs - Health tips for Spring

That Ayurveda Guy Season 1 Episode 6

Spring is the time to shake off the lethargy of wintry days and be up and about.  But the changing climate can do weird things to our insides.  One part of our body that is affected most by the changing weather is our digestive system.  And as I keep saying that is the function of the body on which our health depends the most.  So learning how to deal with Spring may sound funny, but is extremely useful if you’re looking to pass this season uneventfully.  Here’s an episode dedicated especially to tips on managing our minds and bodies in the Spring season!

Here’s what this episode will tell you:

  1. How climatic changes in Vasant Ritu (Spring season) can affect our health.
  2. How the climate affects the functioning of our digestive system.
  3. Why and what you need to eat to protect yourself from health problems during this time.
  4. How small changes in your lifestyle and routine can help to deal with the effect of climate change.
  5. Specific yoga asanas for allergies and to calm the disturbed Kapha Dosha in this season.

If you’re looking for natural ways to wellness and health, this is the way to start.

I’ll be happy to answer any questions on Ayurveda and how it can help.  Find me on Twitter

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